Learn more about Kidneys
Meet Tripp!
The foundation began with the story of Tripp and his family.
Tripp was born with chronic kidney disease and received a kidney transplant at the age of one year. The Loy family experienced firsthand the challenges in parenting a child with multiple medical conditions and spent large amounts of time waiting during medical appointments and hospital admissions. Subsequently, the TRIPP Foundation was created by the Loy family during Tripp’s month long admission for transplant.
In June of 2012, Tripp passed away due to medical complications and an untreatable gram negative infection. In addition to the Loy family’s firsthand experience with Tripp, a multitude of family-related needs were identified through close work with the Pediatric Nephrology Clinic at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
During the time of Tripp’s medical treatment, the Loy family was able to draw strength from family and community support. Utilizing their background in and familiarity with social service resources, family needs were met through service coordination, relationship building with community supports, i.e. crisis/safety planning, family/community financial support, patient advocacy, persistence, dedication and love.